410-496-5188 onethought@aol.com

Ministry Leaders Meeting Minutes

One God One Thought Center for Better Living
Ministry Leaders Meeting Minutes – October 13, 2018

Prelude to the meeting: We are One, by India Arie. Meeting was called to order at 12 noon.

Opening Prayer:  Rev. Lameteria Hall

Members read out loud the “ONENESS – “I AM THE ONE” statement as printed on the Meeting Agenda.

Daily Inspiration/Leadership Inspiration: “The Way the World Works” – read by Sheila Troy

Rev. Lameteria – In response to our Daily Inspirational reading for today…as a New Thought Spiritual Leader, we are to hold in consciousness through prayer, meditation and in the silence: right thinking, right words, right actions, and right reactions. Rev. Lameteria asked: What is New Thought espoused by the Universal Foundation for Better Living? In a round robin, each member gave their response and Rev. Lameteria emphasized that “New Thought is a term used, to cover a wide range of approaches to God, to life, to the world and its seeming challenges.” As we think of ourselves as leaders, establishing a consciousness of oneness, it’s important that we begin to study as well, to stay fresh in our classes. To stay fresh in what we believe. How do we establish ONENESS? At least we begin to speak the same language…

September 2018 Meeting Minutes:  The minutes were approved as corrected.

Note by Rev. Lameteria. “If you are not able to attend a meeting, it is your responsibility as a leader to reach out to someone to find out what occurred in the meeting.  Also, the minutes of these meetings are on the Ministry Repository Website. You should send a representative to the meeting if you cannot attend.”

Announcements: Reverend Lameteria

  • Sunday, Reverend Bernette is going to do a   Basic Truth Principles II Review for the Teacher Training candidates that are going to Miami for the L&O experience this month. All are invited to attend.
  • Your Ministry’s activity calendar dates for 2019 must be submitted no later than Thursday, November 8th. We want to be able to deliver a calendar in our December 8th meeting as a draft to see what all the ministries will be doing in 2019. Keep in mind, if it is a new event/activity, a proposal needs to be submitted. Just a one-page outline: what it is and the date you are requesting, summary of event, etc.
  •  Please plan to stay for three hours at our December meeting, because we want to have a meeting as well as a celebration. We ask that everyone bring a dish, drinks, or just a donation.

Ministry Updates:

BRIDGES:  Linda Keith

  • We are having our Christmas party on December 9th, 12:30 p.m. at Romano’s in Glen Burnie.
  • Our training workshops are being held Wednesdays during the month of October. The first one was on October 3rd, the second one was October 10th and we have two more on October 17th and 24th.
  • The Core members’ training will be on Wednesdays. The first two weeks in November and the first two in December. For Core members only.
  • We will also be hosting the Wednesday night discussion groups in November.  The first one is November 7th.

JCTS: Debra Ruffin Dorsey

  • Classes started. It’s wonderful. Everybody is excited!
  • This is one of the largest attendance of students we’ve had in at least, the last three years.

Harmony Bookstore: Sheila Troy

  • We have a new credit card machine.
  • The bookstore is closed until further notice. If you need anything out of it, let the bookstore chairperson know and she can get you whatever you need out of there. There is an issue with fumes. It has not been addressed yet, but it is on the list to be addressed.
  • The credit card machine is used for OGOT church purposes only. Not for community partners or any others external groups or individuals.

Prosperity:  No updates because that is still an inactive Ministry.

Ushers/Hostesses: Michael Staples

  • No updates.

Optimal Health: No one here from this Ministry.

Special Services: Henrietta sent message: “All is well.”

Prayer Ministry: Debra Ruffin Dorsey

  • No updates.

Youth Ministry: Winston Hall

  • Our bake sale went pretty good on Youth Sunday.
  • We have collected $207.00 toward our $300 donation for the 25th Anniversary.

Choir: Paulette sent a message…The choir has met their obligation of $300 for the 25th Anniversary. They will be singing at Shiloh A.M.E. Church at 2601 Lyndhurst Avenue in Baltimore, 21216. It is on Friday, October 19th at 7:00 p.m.

Spiritual Arts: Emma Sembly-Brodie:

  • We are on the cusp of our program, One Breath at a Time. Things are moving along beautifully.
  • We are still collecting money for ads and patrons. Patron ads are $5.00.
  • Last year one of the things we noted in our committee meetings is that we really didn’t have a way of accessing social media and none of us really knew how to do it. But Mary Kniep showed up and she has submitted our information for our Eventbrite page, which is up and running.
  • One of the places it has gone to is SpinGo. They take our information and shoot it out to many organizations, some I have never heard of.
  • We anticipate a sellout crowd!

25th Anniversary Celebration: Reverend Jeannette B. Gatewood

  • The enthusiasm that the Ministries are showing, on a scale from 1 to 10, it’s at least a 15. The kinetic energy is just so high, I can’t describe it!
  • I am encouraging Ministry leaders to let their members know exactly what the funds are being used for.
  • The use is very specific. It is being used for the second installment to secure the venue and any other expenses prior to the event.
  • Your Ministry will get a picture in the souvenir book, so no one will approach you for an ad.
  • Due date for Ministries to turn in their 25th anniversary gift is (Sunday) February 24, 2019.
  • Date of the event: June 1, 2018.

T.E.A.M. Together Experiencing a Mission. Let’s say it together: Together Experiencing a Mission! Amen!!

Closing Prayer: The Prayer of Protection. Meeting adjourned at 1:41. Ending with another ONENESS song: Frankie Beverly and Maze – We are One.

Attendees: Donna R. Gaither, Reverend Lameteria Hall, Michael Staples, Debra Ruffin Dorsey, Elaine Atlee, Winston J. Hall, Jr., Linda Keith, Reverend Jeannette B. Gatewood, Paulette Lucas (checked in and left update), Emma Sembly-Brodie, Henrietta Coward and Sheila Troy.

OGOT Ministry Repository