One God One Thought Center for Better Living
Ministry Leader’s Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2018
Dated completed 1/17/2019
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM by Rev Lameteria Hall
Opening Prayer: Rev Jeannette Gatewood-Johnson
Daily Inspiration: Van Johnson
November 2018 Minutes: Elaine Atlee motioned to approve the November 2018 Ministry Leaders Meeting minutes with grammatical errors to be corrected and it was seconded by EllaDonna Lanier. Motion carried.
Celebration Intermission: At 12:58 PM, Rev Lameteria blessed the food that was donated for the Holiday Celebration and called for a 15-minute intermission so that everyone could get some nourishment. Meeting was called back to order at 1:16 PM with the following Ministry updates:
Ministry Updates
Multi-Media – EllaDonna Lanier
- Ella introduced the committee members (Melissa Shurland, Nicole Green, Linda M. Soares, and Stephanie Dines) that have been working on a propose Multi-Media “Live Streaming” project for One God One Thought (OGOT) Center For Better Living. Nicole presented a Power Point presentation on the proposed project by highlighting the objective, which is to develop and implement a modern and dynamic initiative to introduce and spread New Thought Christianity ideas to millennials and other people of all ages and spiritual maturity. Measurement will be achieved by tracking the number of people log-in on the Facebook page watching the live stream events. Updates to be accomplished to the Website and Facebook page are: upload current pictures and videos of events; encourage the members to tag or check-in when at the church as a way of keeping the Facebook page active; reduce the Facebook page to one page instead of multi-pages; increase audience participation in asking questions regarding message they heard; branching out to other media usages, such as Snap Chat, Instagram; Podcast and YouTube; seeking guidance, comments, quality control, and recommendations from the Senior Minister, Assistant Ministers, Ministries (Spiritual Arts and Multi-Media ); and resources needed are internet connection (WIFI ethernet), video recorder, volunteer man-power to help set-up; set up time limit as to how long a live stream event will be televised.
- Rev Lameteria Hall summarized the presentation before the question and answer session by stating the presentation were ideas and ideas have to go through the process to be approved; the sub-committee of the members mentioned in the presentation, chaired by Linda M. Soares, first assignment was to focus on Facebook, because OGOT is fully aware that three OGOT Facebook pages have been identified; the overall Multi-Media Ministry committee is chaired by Jerome King, who is steer heading the live streaming component; the OGOT Board of Directors’ (BoD) Strategic Committee, chaired by James Michael Brodie, is working on OGOT Website and is in the process of hiring a consultant, who has been identified as a member of our church, Karen Clay; since this Multi-Media sub-committee is only generating ideas, it would be better that the questions be answered by Karen Clay, Jerome King, and James Michael Brodie, once the project has been approved.
- Karen Clay interjected that the BoD committee chair is responsible for coordinating the re-design and re-vamping of the website; the BoD has already reviewed and responded to questions relative to the website and from that they had already received a primary quote and scope of work (SOW); however, I don’t think the SOW included live streaming. Karen stated she would speak to Michael Brodie to consider putting live streaming in the SOW for validation.
- Rev Lameteria reminded the Ministry Leaders that this project has been discussed and worked on by all type of committees for at least over three to five years, with data being collected and surveys have been initiated.
- Marva Griffin asked the following questions: Would the Push Pay app be linked to the live streaming; would sponsors be able to advertise their ads on live stream; and would the PayPal app be added?
- Karen advised that, Yes, Push Pay app could be added; No, sponsors that are not members or affiliated with church could not advertise ads; and adding the PayPal app depends on how all that stuff comes together. Karen recommended that the live stream be televised for free for certain length of time and then start charging for minimum amount to view as a way of generating income for the church.
- Rev Lameteria stated the high cost of processing fees by PayPal is not profitable for the church.
Bridges – Rev Jeannette Gatewood-Johnson
- Bridges will be hosting their Christmas Luncheon on December 9, 2018.
- Develop a new way to do “Release and Be Blessed” by using the Mastermind Prayer. Since OGOT was built on and grew from during the Mastermind, I think it is time if new ideas are coming forth, the Mastermind Prayer should be using to manifest the ideas.
JCTS Registration – Debra Ruffin-Dorsey
- Registration for the Winter Session starts December 31, 2019; the name of the four classes and books will be identified next Sunday, December 16, 2018; there will be a Wednesday Night Discussion Group with books; I encourage each Ministry Leader to take one class a year.
Harmony Book Store – Sheila Sembly-Crom
- We still have our pop-up vendors with holiday gifts for purchase; we have a new credit card machine; and there was a training session for persons who would like to volunteer to operate the bookstore on Sunday.
Prosperity Ministry – No Updates
Ushers/Hostesses-Host Ministry – Michael Staples and Elaine Atlee
- In the process of collecting funds for the 25th Anniversary and asking members to pledge $30.00.
Optimal Health – Karen Clay
- Optimal Health will have its last meeting this year on December 9, 2018 with holiday snacks and looking forward for the coming New Year.
Special Service – Henrietta Coward
- No new updates.
Spiritual Arts – Emma Sembly-Brodie
- We are the Ministry of the Month this year.
- We are thankful and grateful for inspiring others for the entire year and we input our activities for the 2019 calendar.
Prayer Ministry – Debra Ruffin-Dorsey
- Debra Ruffin-Dorsey and Elaine Atlee does the Mastermind Prayer every Thursday evening at 6:15 PM for the church and request that Ministry Leaders come to support and participate.
- Elaine Atlee stated that during the Mastermind they ask, “Holy Spirit knows what each and everyone of you may have need of and we ask that each and every one of you are cover as you go through the universe. Amen and So it is.”
Youth Ministry – Bessie Haskins
- Frances Harrison is come on board to support in the Youth Ministry
- For the Youth Sunday, December 30, 2018, we are having a Kwanzaa Celebration.
- The Youth Ministry has a Mastermind Prayer also and we start saying it also this year.
- Bessie acknowledged Winston Hall for attending the Ministry Leaders meeting.
Music/Choir – Marva Griffin
- The choir has started using WhatsApp as a way to communicate with all of it members, choirs’ directors, and Multi-Media.
- Linda Keith advised that the choir is planning to do a concert on January 26, 2019, from 4 to 7 PM. The sub-committee members are Linda Keith, Inez Wells-Pridget, Stephanie Dines, and Emma Sembly-Brodie; there is proposal in development; a facility request form will be done; vendors are being requested to participate and the contract is in process; and all paperwork will be submitted next week for approval. Tickets will be $10 and will be available next week upon approval of proposal. Each member of the choir will be responsible for least five tickets.
- Rev Lameteria acknowledged that this was the best Ministry Meeting for me, because at 12:00 PM I just sat here, and I just smile. Not worry about the time and who was here or not here. It opened up for a watch how we gather together in love, which took us 30 minutes to do it. However, we show up today will be alright with my soul. In the spirit of beauty which is a representation of Frankincense, I hope you will be at service tomorrow to learn about the mystery and mystics of Frankincense. Nicole Green was the first person to sign attendance sheet. Rev Lameteria passed around a gift basket of love, from Rev Jones and her for everyone to partake of a gift.
- The next Ministry Leaders Meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2019, 12:00 – 2:00 PM.
- Candle Light Service and Burning Bowl Celebration will be held at the end of this month, please invite friends and family members to attend.
- As we review the final draft of this year church calendar, it will be given out at the Burning Bowl Celebration. If any Ministry want to add an activity, please submit it to me by December 14, 2018.
- Rev Jeannette Gatewood-Johnson was acknowledged for being the Chairperson of the 25th Anniversary for OGOT and will do announce the 25th Anniversary Kick-Off Celebration on January 13, 2019.
- Rev Lameteria and Rev Jones will be announcing a 25th Anniversary Legacy Campaign, where we get 100 people to contribute $250 where raise $25,000. A list will be started in January listing the people who will contribute $250. Each person contributing as the whole year of 2019 to reach their goal of $250 or they can make their final payment by June 2019. The $25,000 will be used to install a new roof. Laverne Fair, Henriette Coward, Debra Ruffin-Dorsey, and Donna R. Gaither were acknowledged for their dedication as OGOT Staff.
- For 2019 we are making this official that all monies collected from any Ministries activities will go into one account, Special Activity. It is important that you know that, because it has been a mix up as where the monies have been going. There are some exceptions to that, Bridge Ministry’s Angel Coins, go into Deferred Revenue, specifically for Youth Scholarships; Optimal Health Ministry and Youth Ministry are the other exceptions. If any other Ministries think they should be added to the exception list, please meet with me as soon as possible after the meeting.
Closing Prayer – Meeting was adjourned by Lameteria Hall with closing Prayer at 2:54 PM.
Attendees: Rev. Lameteria Hall (Asst. to Senior Minister), C. Michael Staples (Hostess/Ushers), Van Johnson (BoD/Choir), Debra Ruffin-Dorsey (JCTS), Rev Jeannette Gatewood-Johnson (Bridges), Elladonna Lanier (Multi-Media), Elaine Atlee (Hostess), Emma Sembly-Brodie (Spiritual Arts), Karen Clay (Optimal Health), Bessie Haskins (Youth), Marva Griffin (OGOT Choir), Linda Keith (Bridges), Nicole Green (Multi-Media), Donna R. Gaither (Bridges), Laverne Fair (Book Store), Sheila Sembly-Cron (Book Store), Linda M. Soaras (Multi-Media), Gerald Brown (Music), Winston J. Hall Jr. (Youth), Mary Kniep, Henriette Coward (Security)