Guidelines for Planning an Event
Planning an Event
A ministry, in concert with OGOT, may plan a number of events to celebrate a milestone, impart additional knowledge to the community, facilitate an increase in money substance or for any other reason that fits with the mission and theology of OGOT. For any event that is planned, a process is in place to assure the orderly production of the event and to assure each staff person, time tither and volunteer is adequately informed at the proper step(s) in the planning process.
This process starts with an Event Proposal which includes details on:
- The event theme, date(s), chairperson and team members.
- The purpose of the event.
- A listing of event activities, including type, date, time and place of each activity.
- Anticipated number of people attending.
- An event financial plan that details anticipated cost of event, anticipated revenue and anticipated net income.
This process ends with a post event report which includes a final financial accounting of the actual expenses and revenue, and net income. Optionally the report may include a narrative on what went well, what can change, and whether there is interest in repeating the event in the future.
See below for a step-by-step description of the event planning process and to access any forms that need to be completed as part of the process.
The Event Planning Process
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